“Baptism by water in the name of the Holy Trinity
A Song of Faith
is the means by which we are received, at any age,
into the covenanted community of the church.
It is the ritual that signifies our rebirth in faith
and cleansing by the power of God.
Baptism signifies the nurturing, sustaining,
and transforming power of God’s love
and our grateful response to that grace.”
The United Church of Canada recognizes two sacraments baptism and communion. As a sacrament baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace. Baptism though is in no way a requirement for God’s love, and Glebe affirms The United Church of Canada’s stance that those “who die without baptism are in no way condemned, lost, or damned.” Baptism in the United Church is recognized by all denominations of the Christian church that practise infant baptism. Similarly, if someone has already been baptized in another church at any age, the United Church recognizes their baptism and welcomes them as Christians.
At Glebe, we welcome those of all ages to be baptized. We specifically welcome the baptism of children from families of all configurations, one parent or more, relationships of various genders and sexualities. Your family whatever it looks like is holy and whole. The baptism ceremony usually takes place during a regular worship service of the Glebe community where the entire church community pledges support to those being baptized and/or the parents of the child. Our minister is happy to discuss with you more about baptism and its significance.
For more information, fees and other questions, please contact us using the form below.